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Meeting Planner

For Keynote Speaker Jeff Rogers




My Meeting Planner Goals

As a recovering Certified Meeting Planner (no joke- I was a CMP, too!) I want to make sure that meeting planners get three things out of having me come and speak for their group:


  1.  I want to make sure the crew is laughing. Why? Because most production crews have heard everything and if I can get them laughing then odds are the audience is REALLY laughing and enjoying the program.

  2.  I want to give the audience actionable takeaways that they can start using the moment they leave the ballroom. I want to immediately give them something so valuable that it helps them have a killer year.

  3. I want your phone to light up mid-speech with a text from your boss or the meeting stakeholder saying, "This guy is perfect!" I want your phone to get slammed with positive texts and messages that you have to respond for day!


And...I want to be the easiest person in the world for you to work with. I want this to be such a fun, no-brainer that you are literally bragging how easy it was to anyone who will listen.


If I'm not hitting these goals - I want to know about it! -



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Download Jeff's headshot and publicity stills.



Download Jeff's biography.




Download printable introduction for Jeff Rogers.

Jeff Rogers

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